Nuru Erotic Massage

Would you like to have a sensual massage to feel its effects in your body and soul? Then turn off the lights, and fire up some candles and explore the sensation of touch. You will unwind, relax, and feel her fingers slide and slip on your curves. These charming fingers will stay at your most sensitive spots teasing you in the places most desired. During the intimate massage, you will experience the sultry eroticism where excitement and passion heightened.

Erotic massage is an ancient sensual activity. Nuru Massage is a real Japenese art, during the massage, you can feel the full-body of the masseuse. “Nuru” is a Japanese word which means “slippery”. The massuese does it entirely nude with the aid of slippery massage oil. This special oil called Nuru massage gel or nuru gel sparks your sexuality and stimulates your senses.


Give Nuru Massage a try in Budapest!

Lie down comfortably face down, close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your masseuse’s body gliding against yours. Your masseuse will lather a gel all along her body both front and back and drizzle it over your body. This is an exciting erotic foreplay. The masseuse will rub the gel along your curves and will tease herself during the massage. The gel drips down on your and run slowly along your body. The gel will be slippery, warm and sensual – and your desire will heighten even more.

Your masseuse will use her forearms to get closer and gently slide her skin against yours. Can you imagine that? You will relax and get more comfortable, and the masseuse will try to get in a position that allows to be closer and closer to each other. Her legs will grip lightly your body, and her buttock and pelvis will grind against you. Her breasts go over your buttocks and back. At the end of the day, she will lie down to slide and glide along your body. It can be really fun!

Then roll face up and you can enjoy your masseuse’s sensual body. Nuru massage is not about the final orgasm. Appreciate all the sensations you get there. Let you be teased and touched along your body.


Nuru Erotic Massage


About the Nuru Massage Gel

Nuru Massage Gel is originated in Japan, and it is an exceptionally slippery erotic massage gel. It is made from Nori deep water seaweed. Nuru massage with Nuru Massage Gel is a very popular type of erotic massage throughout Asia.

There are several advantages of using this special Nuru gel. Unlike other normal massage oils, Nuru gel is tasteless, odorless, and does not stain the garments and the sheet. It is an excellent erotic massage gel because it is skin moisturizer and lubricant.  The feeling of Nuru Gel is really sensual and make your body sense sexy. The original gel is made up of aloe vera, nori seaweed and grapefruit extracts.


How to use Nuru Massage Gel?

Put it on your wet skin and rub it as you wish. It is easily clean with some water. If it contacts with eyes then rinse it well with clean water.


Use Nuru Massage Mattress!

You will need to lie down during the massage, so it is important to use air mattress. If you have not got an air mattress then you can use one that is vinyl. Other materials will absorb the gel and this will reduce the gel’s effectiveness.